
Sunday, 12 April 2015

Notebooks that travel

So the Malden worked perfectly until I needed to write down notes on the go. I often get phone calls and need to make appointments in a moment´s notice. No problem, only... the large size combined with floppiness caused for the notebook to just slide in a relaxed fashion, straight to the floor or ground. This happened a few times until I decided life was too short.
So I took these leather covers. I used to have my book projects in this but I transferred them to the narrower Malden leather covers.

Covers are distressed with blade and sandpaper. 

I have a plastic pocket folded around all notebooks, at the front I have super stickies from Post- it slapped on them. These stickies hold grocery lists and brief notes.

On the other side of the plastic, I have sticky tabs in three colours. Then a craft folder of sorts follows, inside which I have put a notebook.

On the craft folder I have mark-it dots,stamps, tabs, sticky notes etc. You see how the notebook got victimized by a cup of coffee. This notebook was not the only casualty of coffee drinking.  

Then the next insert is a Commonplace Book. Alongside with coffee, it has gotten a lot of use.

I actually love the rustling of the coffee stained pages.

The following insert would be "Words". It is more private notebook. It is my journal on the go, some notes that have more longevity than the quick notes from the first book, also to do lists etc. 

The the monthly diary that I printed from the blog "My Life All In One Place". Ray Blake has a lot of printables in there.

Then follows the most important insert of them all, Chronodex. 
This I printed from the blog "Scription". Patrick Ng hosts the blog and has provided plethora of attractive MTN pictures.

After which I have daily journal, again from Ray Blakes blog. I have printed these on laser ink paper, 90 gsm weight, to able the use of fountain pens.

Towards the end I have "Info" pages. In which I have my son´s allergies, his school information, contacts, the company infro from which I reserve nannies when I need them and their rates, etc.  

And lastly a financial section. 

I have chosen not to show inside of the notebooks, solely for the reasons that I have a lot of writing and information in them, and all of it is private. But these leather covers manage to hold a lot of necessary information that I need with me.

Le Fin.

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